Three Royal cubs died after their mother accidentally bit them in Bengal Safari Park. And as soon as the incident came to light, there was an uproar in the forest department. Although the park authorities did not want to open their mouths publicly about the incident. However, questions have started to be raised about the role of the park authorities in this incident. Although this is not the first incident of a cub dying due to the mother’s mistake in Bengal Safari Park. Earlier, in August 2023, two cubs died due to a white tiger bite. At that time, the state forest department and zoo authority gave a clean chit after investigating the death of the two cubs. According to safari park sources, last week, a Royal Bengal tiger named Rika gave birth to three cubs. The park authorities were excited as soon as the news of the cub’s birth came to light. However, two days later, while trying to move her cub to another place in the night shelter, she was bitten on the neck. This caused the trachea of ​​all three cubs to rupture near their necks. Two of the three cubs died earlier, but the park authorities tried desperately to save one cub. However, it was not to be.
3 Royal Bengal cubs die after being bitten by their mother during Bengal Safari