Ramen Chandra Barathakur joined Trinamool Congress on Saturday in Kolkata. On this day, he met Trinamool All India General Secretary Abhishek Banerjee and joined the Trinamool State President of Assam. Rajya Sabha MP Sushmita Dev was also present there. Former Aam Aadmi Party leader Ramen Chandra Barathakur arrived at the Kamak Street office on Saturday evening. There, he took the Trinamool flag from Trinamool All India General Secretary Abhishek Banerjee. And joined the Trinamool Congress. He took the responsibility of the Trinamool President of Assam on his shoulders. And from this it is clear that with the joining of Trinamool by this senior politician, the Trinamool organization of Assam is going to become stronger. Due to which the equation of Assam politics is going to change this time.
Ramen Chandra Barathakur joins as Assam Trinamool State President